Ongoing projects of our organization
- Combating Social Exclusion and Change Impact on Dalit and Minority Communities (CSECCIDMC)
Implemented projects of our organization
- Education Material Support Program
- Community Development Project
- Promoting Rights of Dalit and EthnicWomen
- Fish Cultivation
- Skill Development of women. (Mini Loan)
- Skill DevelopmentOf Dalit Youth & Women.
- Empowering Dalit & Ethnic Women through Building Leadership(EDEWBL)
- Climate Change adaptation.
- Climate Change adaptation and Kash Land
- ProvertyEradication programme (PEP)
- Protecting and promoting the rights of dalits and tackling the poverty and exclusion of excluded groups (PPRDTPEEG)
- Protection on the human rights of Dalit Peoples (PHRDP)
- Supporting Pluralism and Freedom of Religious Belief in Bangladesh- Project
- Securing Underprivileged Children & Women from Obstacle’s by Nurturing Activist (SUChWONA) Program
- Protecting and promoting the rights of dalits and tackling the poverty and exclusion of excluded groups (PPRDTPEEG)