In the Bangladesh there are 85 Indigenous groups in different places. And this to such an extent that today’s tribal people (dalit) are confined to a sort of handicapped existence where induced superstition and social discrimination have undermined their own strength, cultural values and traditions. At the margin so fmainstream society, the dalit of Bangladesh often live at sub-human level. The dalit are one of the 85 tribal groups referred to above. Known by different names, they are often referred to, dalit Scheduled caste, forest people, etc. Illiteracy, dire poverty, malnutrition etc. are some of the problems they suffer from.These have on the other hand given rise to an other series of social problems like alcoholism and early marriage etc. uddipto was created in 2003 with the precise intent to do something for the dalit and bring them into mainstream development. Made up by young dalit and woman people, uddipto dreams of an equal and just society where the dailt people may occupy an honoured place recognised in their cultural diversity, worthy and activecitizens of Bangladesh.uddipto believes that freedom from exploitation at all levels may come about only if the dalitthem selves get organised in a spirit of solidarity. Uddipto may thus bethe beginning of the dalit’s re-birth to a full human life.