Non Government, Women and Dalits Community Empowerment Organization

Ongoing projects of our organization
- Combating Social Exclusion and Change Impact on Dalit and Minority Communities (CSECCIDMC)
Implemented projects of our organization
- Education Material Support Program
- Community Development Project
- Promoting Rights of Dalit and EthnicWomen
- Fish Cultivation
- Skill Development of women. (Mini Loan)
- Skill DevelopmentOf Dalit Youth & Women.
- Empowering Dalit & Ethnic Women through Building Leadership(EDEWBL)
- Climate Change adaptation.
- Climate Change adaptation and Kash Land
- ProvertyEradication programme (PEP)
- Protecting and promoting the rights of dalits and tackling the poverty and exclusion of excluded groups (PPRDTPEEG)
- Protection on the human rights of Dalit Peoples (PHRDP)
- Supporting Pluralism and Freedom of Religious Belief in Bangladesh- Project
- Securing Underprivileged Children & Women from Obstacle’s by Nurturing Activist (SUChWONA) Program
- Protecting and promoting the rights of dalits and tackling the poverty and exclusion of excluded groups (PPRDTPEEG)
Major Activities/Program

- Women and girls empowerment
- Dalit Rights
- Human Rights
- Women Rights
- Combat gender based violence.
- Non-formal adult education.
- Disable development program.
- Non-formal PrimaryEducation.
- Climate change adaptationand sustainable environment development.
- HIV/Aidsprevention.
- Relief and rehabilitation program.
- Road safety, Nursery and Plantation.
- Family planning and Reproductive Health Right for youth
- Food Security & Partnership in Land-Agriculture Resource and Extension.
- Health, Nutrition, Water, Sanitation.
- Popular Drama.
• Creating and strengthening community-based organizations to create a platform for bachward communities, especially dalit women, through Wichdalit women can voioce their voices and take initiatives for their rights and entitlements.
• Capacity building of local goverments,thereby establishing responsible and pro-poor governance systems.
• To establish human rights and social juctice through their social movements by developing measures to prevent violence against women and children.
• Ensuring accessibility to information,thereby insuring accessibility of services provided by public and private institutions to the disadvantaged population.
The Main aim of the organization is to empower the women,children and backward communities in the society by finding the right path through economic,social,political and human development to achieve their rights and entitlements,especially Dalit Women.
It is a Women Led Indepemdent Voluntary Organization For The Empowerment of Women,Children and Dalits